Domus Alba

Landscaping includes minimal site disruption and uses drivable grass surface instead of traditional pavement for the impervious sections of the site. Use of electric-powered vehicles is part of the owner’s overall sustainability strategy. Xeriscaping techniques reduce the need for additional irrigation. Plants on the property are drought-tolerant

The home’s crisp, white geometric structure is juxtaposed against the naturally lush, green landscape and blue skies. The site’s soils composition included an ooletic limestone, which was excavated to construct the foundations of the house. Ooletic limestone was also used to form a landscape retaining wall along the front of the property.

The Nature Observation tower connects the home visually to the larger community and allows for views to Downtown Miami, Key Biscayne, and the surrounding nature preserve and park, and provides a base support for a future wind turbine.

Landscaping includes minimal site disruption and uses drivable grass surface instead of traditional pavement for the impervious sections of the site. Use of electric-powered vehicles is part of the owner’s overall sustainability strategy. Xeriscaping techniques reduce the need for additional irrigation. Plants on the property are drought-tolerant